Pojok Utama. During the very interactive discussion held live on DIGDAYA TV Prabowo received questions from viewers. One of the notable questions was from Ibu Ana Hartati. The question was” how can you handle sad feeling, disappointment, betrayal, and deception in politics?
Prabowo answered this question philosophically; in this life we free to be whoever we want, however we need to choose. My parents have taught me to be a gentleman.  One of teaching values of gentleman is “Sabdo Pandito Ratu” it means that minds, body and soul need to be united and consistent. Leader words function as constitution.

“A leader must be very careful in his words, and that is one of the characteristics of trustworthy leader. The choice to be trustworthy is about dignity. My religion which is Islam through the Prophet Muhammad Peace Be upon Him has taught the same idea. If people betray me that is the choice they have made and given to them added Prabowo.

“I also have taken so many lessons from some military leaders. One of them is Pak Wismoyo Arismunandar. He has advised that the brave person is always happy. That is why I always try to be a happy person. It doesn’t means that I am happy to be betrayed.
But I always try to stand out firmly whenever I get bad things in life. I need to be bravely applied as a brave and trustworthy man as my ancestors had taught me since the early of my life.

You could betray, deceive a man named Prabowo. For me it is fine. Sometimes I have sad feeling and disappointment but I always try to take lesson them.
“One of the bad implications for not being trustworthy is IGNORANCE. Because of ignorance Indonesia has left behind in many aspects. What I am talking to is supported by data. As we have known that we still have problem health access, clean water, food and many others. As the result is that we are very vulnerable in economy.

 One of the implications how leaders of this country ignore to these issues that     we are a as nation has left behind compared to other nations in the world. So many elite leaders are not trustworthy.

What I mean by elite is the groups of leaders who cover businessmen, scientists, artists, including military leaders. They are educated, sitting in discussion since they are able in many aspects. Of course I am part of elite leaders the difference is that I try consistently to be trustworthy one.
For that reason, I am trying to remind everybody else through books, seminars, writings, and involving in politics as well as the General Leader of GERINDRA Party.

Trustworthy is dignity that must be applied by every person since basically each of us is leader. At least we become leader for ourselves.
Dear readers, couldn’t you agree more about this?


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